You know that saying, "don't judge a book by its cover?" Well, the same goes for wine — unless the name on the label is Le Fat Bastard, a bottle we'd reach for any day. Not only is the Fat Bastard name and wine legendary, but the story behind its inception is just as good.
It starts nearly 30 years ago, when friends Guy Anderson, a wine industry rebel, and Thierry, a renowned winemaker, were sipping wine barrel samples in a cellar. A little hungover, and a little disappointed with the samples thus far, Thierry suggested that they try an experimental one that had been left in the barrel "on the lees" (yeast cells).
This new wine was different than anything they had tried before. It was as bold as its colour, rich, and round. Both men stood in silence, enamoured by the taste, until Thierry declared, “now zat iz what you call eh phet bast-ard.” The two let out a belly laugh that echoed all the way down the cellar, and the rest is history.

Le Fat Bastard has been in production for almost 25 years now, and each wine still encapsulates that genuine joie de vivre it had from the beginning. From their elegant chardonnay to a vibrant syrah, Le Fat Bastard varietals are the talk of any dinner party — the ideal pairing that complements meals instead of overcomplicating them. They're French, but not too fancy or intimidating. They're quality without the outrageous price tag. And they're not afraid of change.
The sun-filled winery in the south of France continues to be recognized for its corporate social responsibility and environmentally friendly winemaking practices. It's true that most wines get better with age, and so does Fat Bastard with each passing year. They pivot with the times and are serious about sustainability (all wines are vegan) while keeping a sense of playfulness that can be enjoyed by all — now zat iz what we're talking about.